Common Health Complications to Look out for During Your Pregnancy

Common Health Complications to Look out for During Your Pregnancy

Being a mother is one of the best moments in any woman's life. You are ready to welcome a new and adorable member in your family. However, with excitement and happiness comes changes. And we are not talking about changes in your life, but changes in your body. Your body will undergo a lot of changes during your pregnancy and during this time, you might experience certain health complications that can affect your pregnancy. This can include some weight gain, skin changes, hair growth, and mood swings. While these changes are normal, some women may experience a few gestational complications.

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Pregnancy and Sleep: Why It's Important

Pregnancy and Sleep: Why It's Important

During the first trimester of pregnancy, sleep comes naturally to pregnant women, but as the pregnancy progresses, the ability to get a sound sleep decreases gradually. 45.7% of women reported having a bad sleep during pregnancy, according to a meta-analysis of studies published up to 2015. This can further develop into insomnia and make you feel overwhelmingly tired throughout the day which can be very troublesome for your fetus. There is also mounting evidence that these sleep issues may have detrimental effects on both the mother and the fetus.

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A Complete Guide to Self-Care During Pregnancy

A Complete Guide to Self-Care During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a memorable experience for many women, especially for first-time moms. While enjoying your unborn child’s heartbeat and little kicks, taking self-care during pregnancy is essential to ensure a healthy delivery. Pregnancy can trigger multiple changes in your body, including mood swings, morning sickness, cramps, and hot flashes. Self-care during pregnancy will help you be physically and mentally prepared for your big day.

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Prenatal Vitamins: Why Should You Start Taking Them Early?

Prenatal Vitamins: Why Should You Start Taking Them Early?

Prenatal vitamins are critical to supporting your baby’s growth and development and your own body’s changes. However, some prenatal vitamins can cause side effects, such as nausea and constipation. You should always consult your obstetrician/gynecologist before taking prenatal vitamins. They can suggest the best prenatal vitamins with the right dosage limits based on your nutritional needs.

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Diet for a Healthy Pregnancy: What to Eat When You're Expecting

Diet for a Healthy Pregnancy: What to Eat When You're Expecting

The importance of eating healthy while you are pregnant can never be overstated. Maintaining a nutritious diet through all trimesters is essential for your baby's brain development and healthy birth weight. A well-balanced pregnancy diet helps reduce the risks of many congenital disabilities while keeping unpleasant pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness and fatigue away.

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